Even if you're a stay-at-home parent, you still have financial value to your family.
While few families have a stay-at-home parent today, the public school system seems to operate as if they do.
There are now financial ramifications in deciding whether the mother or father should become the stay-at-home parent.
However much you love your kids, being a stay-at-home parent is a job; it does not have to be a vocation.
Less than 3 percent of stay-at-home parents are men.
The biggest beneficiaries might be the stay-at-home parents, especially in the winter, when they can feel most isolated.
Our plan also includes a new tax credit for stay-at-home parents.
Senior citizens, disabled persons, stay-at-home parents, and others who cannot easily leave home in order to make a living.
The stay-at-home parent, he complains, gets the benefit of the doubt in court.
And a happy day to all those dads who have cut their work hours, moved their offices home or become stay-at-home parents.