The surge in violence stems from a confluence of factors, but perhaps none so tangible as the troubles plaguing the police department, whose officers are steadily migrating to other, quieter cities in the surrounding suburbs of Orange County.
The manufacturing basis of the soft goods sector had been steadily migrating out of the United States to lower labor cost location, both in South America and in the Asia-Pacific.
But for two centuries the Cheyenne and many bands of Lakota Sioux had been steadily migrating westward across the plains, and were still pressing hard on the Crows.
Like all unprotected islands, Hochsände, and sandbanks off the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein, Tertius is migrating steadily eastwards.
But the country folks have been steadily migrating to the city ever since.
Originated in the northern area of modern Botswana, the ethnic group steadily migrated south, reaching the Cape approximately 2,000 years ago.
The islet of Blauort is migrating steadily eastwards, like all sandy islands on the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein.
In the process, he steadily migrated away from mainstream science.
The making of movements - the mechanical working parts - has been steadily migrating out of the country in search of cheaper labor, leaving only the most expensive models made entirely in Switzerland.
As of January 2011 the breach is migrating steadily eastward, closer to the Chappaquidick end of Katama Bay.