In this they were helped by the Javelin's steady acceleration, which had already brought her well past twice the speed of light.
No.901 had 1,402 tons in tow but handled the load with ease, registering both high power and steady acceleration.
A few more minutes of steady acceleration, and Leonov would be launched irrevocably on the long voyage home.
At a steady one-gravity acceleration we could achieve that velocity in, oh, half a day.
Miraculously, it had held together under two days' steady acceleration and deceleration.
Next to that chaos, the last two weeks of steady high acceleration would seem like a pleasure cruise.
We were heading at a steady acceleration toward we did not know what.
They began boosting at steady acceleration on a course the Mantis had plotted.
It provides quiet, steady acceleration and high torque.
At a steady acceleration of twenty g's, the flawship moved south along the Way.