The police force, continuing a seven-year steady buildup, is now hiring at least 11,000 new officers each year, officials said.
The steady buildup to a fresh Balkan crisis had been bad enough.
As a result, despite warnings from the Israeli right, it turned a blind eye to a steady buildup of weapons.
Bond requirements and travel restrictions had led to a steady buildup of Central Americans here before the new policy.
Having observed their steady buildup of military resources in recent years, Pardek was not surprised.
About 3.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are known to stay in the atmosphere, contributing to a steady global buildup.
They'll see the slow, steady buildup and think we're readying to fire a weapon they know nothing about.
At present, American and other forces are engaged in a steady military buildup designed to accompany growing diplomatic pressure on Iraq.
There has been a steady buildup in viewership and broadcast stations.
Databases show a steady buildup in usage toward the end of the 20th century.