The Taliban, who control about 90 percent of the country, have made steady gains in recent fighting and cut a crucial opposition supply line.
The warrior class made steady gains throughout the Heian period.
Officials consider that a disappointment compared with the steady annual gains in math.
He said more are expected next year, along with steady gains in state and local term-limit campaigns.
Country music continued its steady gain in percentage of the pop marketplace.
It would be a slow yet steady gain as depicted from the results described here.
Yet women have made steady gains in politics since the early 1970's, and this year they will make more.
It is highlighting the jobs numbers, which have shown steady gains since hitting a low in May 2003.
It made steady gains in the following years to reach 2,000 points by 1998, then began to accelerate significantly.
Now a milestone in the women's steady gains may be at hand.