Also, they are very long sustaining, and help keep blood sugar at a steady level.
Skin patches release medicine into the blood at a steady level and may reduce side effects.
Since then, membership numbers have declined to the present steady level of about 400.
This is to maintain a steady level of quality and credibility with our readers.
I prefer people to be dependable on a steady level.
The first few episodes had very high ratings but after a while viewership dropped to a steady level.
It was his steady level of excellence, perhaps more than any other factor, that brought them four championships from 1996 to 2000.
Still, I would expect to see some variation in power levels, not a steady level such as we are reading.
But those infections were endemic, meaning they continued for a long time at steady levels.
The county's economy was slow to recover, finally reaching a steady level in the late 1930s.