But the steady loss of 25 to 30 soldiers a year has made the effort highly unpopular here.
Where else is there a steady loss of residents?
From 1996 to 2000, the labor force grew by 8 percent after steady losses in the early 1990's.
This steady loss means that people must continue to absorb iron.
Since then, the company has shown steady losses and has been sold three times.
The waste heat is carried from the body as sweat, which means a steady loss of fluids.
Before reimbursements from the state and insurance companies, the hospital has shown a steady loss since 1985.
After 21 years of steady losses, Philadelphia has been adding jobs for 18 months.
The Government ordered the yard liquidated last year after steady losses.
In this time I have lost 65 pounds - a slow, safe and steady loss.