The park was empty, silent save for me steady patter of the rain.
Valentine heard footsteps over the steady patter of rain, coming from the direction he expected Alistar.
Except for the steady patter of the rain, there was only silence.
Margaret didn't answer immediately, but listened to the steady patter of the rain against the window.
The rain continued to fall all about them, a soft, steady patter on the forest trees and earth, but it was dry within the shelter.
And the steady patter of narrated directions gave each driving maneuver added importance.
He could hear a steady patter of rain in the darkness.
Part of the fun was provided by Joe, the grill man, who kept up a steady patter of jokes and conversation.
Communications to and from the Voyager kept up a steady patter across the open subspace channels.
Rain falling into the trees in a steady patter: was the only sound that broke the stillness.