Stewart has led after all three rounds this year, and after today's steady performance, he seemed confident heading into Sunday.
"There is still much to be done," he added, "but this is a steady performance from which to build."
This steady performance followed a surge from a 3.9 percent year-over-year advance that occurred during the first quarter.
"This was a big win," said Craig Wolanin, who added another steady performance to his credit on defense.
Even though he maintained a steady performance down through the years, he was never considered for the Japan national team.
Mr. de la Fuente gets around this with a calm, steady performance.
Despite having limited release, the movie pulled a very good crowd and maintained a steady performance in the box office.
The players are maturing somewhat, and we're getting steady performances from a number of them.
The stock market's recent steady performance in the run up to the water issue has helped ensure the success of the flotation.
The good news is that the first two have maintained their steady performance in the Very Good category.