He lay looking up at die strange stars and listening to that steady, rhythmic throbbing coming out of the darkness.
But only the steady throbbing of the distant dynamos was audible.
The kitten was purring, a steady desperate throbbing under my hand.
He could feel the hotness of inflamed flesh and the steady throbbing of a dozen tooth-sized bruises.
Deep in center, a slow, steady throbbing began.
Below the silence was a slow, steady throbbing of incalculable power, as if the world's heart beat nearby.
It became a steady throbbing like the murmur in a large sea shell.
Despite the steady throbbing of his head, he gained strength enough to reach for the skylight.
"Coming in," called Grimaldi above the steady throbbing of the rotor.
The flat sea and steady throbbing of the diesel engine under the floorboards lulled him, and his mind began to drift.