Cables and thick pipes wound around the girders; the air carrying a steady thrumming from the machinery.
In the uncertain light, they could see the dull glow that emanated from the Workshops and they could hear the steady thrumming of the Looms.
It pulsed against her skin with a steady, inaudible thrumming that unnerved her.
No signs of life beyond the steady thrumming of the diagnostic instruments above his head.
He came back on the throttle, the steady thrumming of the engine decreased, and the nose fell, giving him a better view of the land ahead.
Deep vibrations started up, became a steady thrumming, accompanied by a swaying first to one side and then the other.
Ahead, the sound of machinery rose out of the silence, a low and steady thrumming.
The steady thrumming of the impulse engines lent an invigorating vibration to the deck, a tangible sense of impending action.
She began to play it with her fingers - a steady, monotonous thrumming that you didn't notice after a few minutes.
The only thing that could be heard was the steady thrumming of the Enterprise engines, and the steady efforts of the three Datas to stop the ship from plunging into the planet's atmosphere.