Its effect is not that of a powerful, steady torrent, as in some of Oz's other novels, but that of an intermittently fine, stinging rain.
There were two entrances where a steady torrent of rain poured through, diffusing the greyish light of day.
They walked through the drenching rain from the waste ground behind the manager's office-where, back in 1955, they had parked their red Buick-and though the rain fell in a steady torrent it left them both untouched.
The cop was leaning against his cruiser taking a steady torrent of abuse from a big black-haired, red-faced man with a flair for dramatic gestures.
Like pent-up waters rushing through a broken dam the gleaming deluge swept over the valley; gushing in steady torrents from the breaking mass.
With his head thrown back, a pair of shears in each hand, Belfaygor was clipping desperately at the shining waves that seemed to pour in a steady torrent from his chin.
A brooding nimbostratus lay over the entire coastal region, sending down a steady torrent which had not let up for two drenching hours.
Then down it came, a steady, vertical torrent of rain that went on and on, unending.
It was still streaming rain down in a steady torrent, too wet for any outdoor activity.
Water blasted against her hands and sprayed across the room in a steady torrent.