The assumption that the rate of technical advance is exogenous has meant that tax policy affected only the steady-state levels of the capital-labour ratio, wages, etc.
Due to its very long half-life (approximately 2 weeks), a loading dose of 100 mg for 3 days was used in clinical studies to reach steady-state levels quickly.
Moreover, as demonstrated by Diamond (1965), the steady-state level of the capital labor ratio need not be efficient which is termed as "dynamic inefficiency".
The steady-state level of M1dG is higher than that of 8-oxodG.
After a few seconds the intensity falls again and finally reaches a steady-state level.
Hot pipe is heated by a heat gun, and water column oscillation builds up to a steady-state level.
In general, most experiments investigating differential expression used whole cell extracts of RNA, called steady-state levels, to determine which genes changed and by how much they did.
Itraconazole has a long half-life and does not reach steady-state levels for 2 weeks.
These results confirm that transcripts of genes not implicated in deletion attained identical steady-state levels in the two strains.
It is one of two primary factors that determine the steady-state level of customers a business will support.