"Cooking Fighter" is played in the Baratie, where the players attempt to steal food aboard the Baratie as Sanji throws it to Patty.
Any thought of stealing aboard the Mole and leaving Gaan unannounced was dispelled when they walked past the city's gate.
It was rare to be able to steal a moment's privacy aboard a ship as small as the da Vinci, and Stevens figured he'd best take advantage of it while it lasted.
Dragomiloff steals aboard the airship and destroys it, killing the remaining members of his board of directors.
Perhaps it was a thief-but then, why would anyone steal anything aboard the Enterprise?
This I will not allow," the old elf captain continued, "but I will not allow you to steal free passage aboard my ship, either!
Then Pantagruel and his company stole aboard a barque that Panurge had ready in the harbour.
She quickly escapes, steals aboard an airship, and heads back toward Meridian.
The tanker strike team manages to steal aboard the mothership, where Mike closes all security feeds as the rest of the team pump the toxin into the ventilation system.
Even with his vivid imagination he had trouble envisaging his brother stealing aboard an enemy ship, face blacked and dagger in his teeth, intent on knifing people in the dark.