Of the 118 attempted steals against Nokes this year, he has thrown out 22.
The only problem is that the next day Kevin Bass stole second and third against him in two different innings.
Stealing himself against it, he let her see the lie coming.
In total, he gave up seven hits and allowed two runners to steal against him.
It was the first time since 1996 that an opposing runner had been thrown out trying to steal against Rivera.
He record a career high 31 points, eight assists and five steals against Roanne.
He scored 16 points, handed out six assists and stole the ball twice against Syracuse.
"Jackie came back that winter and stole home against me," said Mayor Wilson.
Arizona had 10 steals against Maryland (21-11) and forced 17 turnovers.
Quietly, and with great care, she stole across the chamber toward a large trunk against the far wall.