Gideon was a middle-aged Florida man who was charged with breaking into a bar and stealing money and beer.
They stole beer, food and cigarettes from its convenience shop, throwing packs of cigarettes to the crowd.
Years later he received media attention after being arrested for stealing beer from a supermarket.
Three were arrested at a business on the city's southwest side, and one person was caught stealing beer from a convenience store, the police said.
Along with some friends, he stole beer, Playboy, and condoms.
We stole beer from the Corner Market when we were ten.
Urinating against a wall and stealing beer and fruit from a local deli are among its characters' more harmless activities.
I mean, what kind of a person goes around stealing beer and slashing tires?
We've had beer and cigarettes stolen, and once my pocketbook was taken.
Last year, she was accused of stealing beer from a convenience store, but escaped prosecution by taking part in a county program for first offenders.