Also, she has to steal cigarettes every day til "a Voz" tells her to stop.
He is a heavy drinker and steals cigarettes, alcohol, and food from the government.
Antismoking groups said the self-service racks made it easy for people under 18 to steal cigarettes.
But he was caught stealing cigarettes and chocolate from gift packages and almost lost his job.
He had been caught stealing cigarettes from under the pillow of an Englishman.
Students get into trouble for drug and alcohol abuse and for stealing cigarettes from the general store.
The court had been told that the boys made up stories after the accused had thrown them out of his home for stealing cigarettes.
At two stores they managed to steal alcohol and cigarettes.
We've had beer and cigarettes stolen, and once my pocketbook was taken.
He recalls a happy childhood, sneaking around, stealing cigarettes with Janice and playing house.