Tensions burst when a Freeborn farmer intentionally stole crops from a field controlled by the farmers of Waseca county.
These oni, as they are most commonly called in Japan, stole crops and young women from Oga's villages.
Bushwhackers raided the farm several times, stealing crops, livestock, and farm tools.
Buccaneers had also raided most of the coastal settlements, stealing crops, and taking men and women as slaves.
In addition, players can visit other islands to help their neighbor's level-up faster - or to steal untended crops.
Often, the rebels helped squatters acquire a piece of land, stealing cattle and burning crops until the landowner gave it up.
At first they were able to live precariously by stealing cattle and crops, catching fish, and picking nuts and berries.
By contrast, stealing or killing domestic animals (such as "cattle rustling") or crops is considered to be theft, not poaching.
If you start stealing fish and crops and tools we'll all be punished.
"You mean they stole crops and livestock?"