They did not kill any of us directly-but there are children going short of milk, because they stole milch goats.
Modernity arrived about three years ago when men from a rival sub-clan armed with assault rifles, instead of the usual spears, swept in and stole their camels, cattle and goats.
October 1829 Aboriginal people stole sheep, poultry and goats, and plundered a house of provisions in the Swan district.
We have avoided blood feud," Rhuarc said, "but Taardad and Shaido have never been friendly; the septs sometimes raid each other, steal goats or cattle.
"They break into the kitchen, and they steal goats and chickens."
Therefore, to grant pardons because of the harshness of the sentences would be no more rational than pardoning all those who, a century before, were executed for stealing goats or loaves of bread.
Good old Tikrit, where Mr. Hussein's stepfather beat the stuffing out of him and made him steal goats.
The klephts, not having flocks of their own, would steal lambs or goats and cook the meat in a sealed pit to avoid the smoke being seen.
It is said that the Klephts, bandits of the countryside who did not have flocks of their own, would steal lambs or goats and cook the meat in a sealed pit to avoid the smoke being seen.