In the television series, they are enemies of Pooh and his friends, are known for stealing honey, and are often associated with heffalumps.
However, before they are deemed worthy of battle, the contenders must first prove themselves by stealing honey from wild bees, and participate in a body cleansing ritual.
In the tale of Cupid the honey thief, the child-god is stung by bees when he steals honey from their hive.
They are known to steal honey and are often associated with woozles.
The name of Bruegel's famous drawing is "The Beekeepers," but something more sinister than stealing honey seems to be going on here.
Most adults feed on nectar, although a few tropical species feed on eye secretions, and the death's-head hawkmoth steals honey from bees.
In search of the world's first sweet, he points to a Stone Age cave painting that shows a prehistoric man stealing honey from a hive.
Joe is a kid who one day sees two youths trying to steal honey out of a beehive.
Horn has been so careful of his reputation these last few years - he'd probably deny stealing honey if his fingers were caught in the jar.
It means the hunting of a type of butterfly that invades beehives to steal honey.