He was also in liaison with Diane Bray and he stole narcotics, and anti-depressants from the morgue for her, which she sold into the black market.
"I along with other New York Police Department officers stole narcotics, narcotics proceeds from drug dealers," Mr. Vasquez told Judge Amon, the transcript said.
"I conspired with other New York Police Department officers to steal narcotics, specifically cocaine, and money from drug dealers," he said.
According to the indictment, since 1998, sworn officers, employees, and associates of the Henry County Sheriff's Office engaged in a continuous scheme to steal narcotics, firearms, and other contraband from the seized evidence property room.
One night, when Tom was high, Hank put him up to breaking into Michael Shea's office to steal narcotics.
Mr. Rachko also told investigators that he and Mr. Vasquez stole narcotics from drug dealers and sold them through an associate, officials said.
He tried to get her to steal narcotics from the hospital where she worked.
Joseph Medical Center in Pennsylvania investigated Frank Ruhl Peterson and found the anesthesiologist had been stealing narcotics from surgical intravenous bags to feed his own habit.
After discovering that the landlady's fiance has been stealing narcotics in order to support an ailing mother, Frankenstein blackmails them to help to transfer the brain of his friend into another body, thus saving him.
Corruption now encompasses the grossest forms of violent crime, including gangs of uniformed cops "routinely" storming drug locations to steal narcotics, money, weapons and whatever else might be handy.