It was for young boys, some as young as 9, like James Lynch, arrested for stealing toys .
They tricked Bright Eyes into stealing Mr. Bruno's weinies and some squeaky toys.
In one-shot story, Michelangelo adopts a stray cat (which he names Klunk) and also stops thieves from stealing toys meant for orphaned children.
That is how old Carroll remembers being when he decided not to take the step from stealing toys to car theft.
Santa Claus, stealing toys, breaking them, hiding them, dealing in cash.
Soon, the poor guy had two dogs pushing him around, stealing his bones and toys.
I knew that when I stole candy and toys from the stores, I was wrong.
For the parts he needs, Hugo steals wind-up toys from an old toymaker who maintains a booth at the station.
They decide that he and his friends disguise themselves as toys to see why the Toy Taker is stealing toys everywhere.
Thieves have stolen toys from the graves of four young people killed by a car which went out of control and crashed into them.