He called it nine months early to shore up his international legitimacy, but now he may be forced to steal votes in order to prevail.
Mr. Kostunica has accused the government of stealing votes and faking the election results.
Rachel goes missing after she unwittingly walks in on a demonstration of a voting machine designed to steal votes for Stillson.
Their findings make it clear that the potential for hackers to steal votes or otherwise subvert elections electronically is too high.
Their findings claimed, "Malicious software running on a single voting machine can steal votes with little if any risk of detection.
He ridiculed the suggestion that the party could be preparing to steal votes.
But he misread the polls and failed to steal enough votes.
The machines' computers can be programmed to steal votes from one candidate and give them to another.
But international observers maintain that although some technical flaws remain, they can find no evidence of a government effort to steal votes.
It had hoped they would appeal to the middle class voters and steal votes from the pan-democratic parties.