"Tasting is believing in this game," Mr. Keller said, describing a stealth strategy that flies under consumer-protectionist radar to target chip lovers' taste buds.
Some advocated a vigorous campaign to sway public opinion, but they were consistently voted down by those who believed in a stealth strategy.
"Perhaps it's a new stealth strategy," she said.
At Renyi's watergate, Shi used stealth strategy to win a decisive victory with three hundred men against the enemies' five thousand.
That The New York Post featured Mr. Bloomberg's face this week like a missing person on a milk carton gives a decent indication of where his stealth strategy leads.
He has, in fact, described his approach as a "stealth strategy," built not on a big personality and a hard sell, but through a meticulously constructed network.
That's interesting maybe that Apple kind of has a stealth long-term strategy.
In the game, players interact with characters from the show, including Drake and Josh, in a variety of modes featuring problem solving, stealth, strategy and action-style gameplay.
But Fox isn't exactly pursuing a stealth strategy: anyone who can't figure out that it's in the tank with the Republican party must be brain dead.
Instead of heavy armor, units will use stealth strategies and smaller profiles to reduce casualties.