"You are not so lithe as Mirragen," it said with the voice of a steam hose.
And then the Herr Doktor will put the steam hose up each shaft.
The steam hose!
This was what Nirgal helped with, running around with a steam hose like he was placing some strenuous new sport.
Often this gunk must be blasted off hard-to-reach places using boom lifts and steam hoses.
A 10ft long mains lead and a 12ft steam hose made it easy to reach high up to ceiling level and far away from the socket outlet.
A pressure-relief calve comes into play if the steam hose is accidentally blocked.
During a second attack, the pirates gained the main deck, but were beaten back with steam hoses.
A tank truck wets down the street; men with steam hoses make cars and pavement glisten, creating liquid pools of neon.
A local cement company extended a steam hose to thaw engine oil and other components, enabling the aircraft to operate.