The energy released by the above mentioned reactions is used for steam production.
Replacement water is required to continue steam production.
Lawrence Hospital had purchased 90 percent of the utility's steam production and supplied the company with two-thirds of its revenues.
Once underway they were noted for their free running, excellent steam production and rapid turn of speed.
It has a greater surface area at the top of the firebox, improving heat transfer and steam production.
There was a large boiler outside the dairy that had to be refueled often to maintain steady steam production to run the dairy.
The Duke was highly unpopular with crews, who regarded it as something of a liability due to its poor steam production.
Nuclear power plants use large quantities of water for steam production and for cooling.
When nuclear power plants remove water from a lake or river for steam production and cooling, fish and other aquatic life can be affected.
Upon investigating the New England style of steam production, they found how to use coal in their manufacturing.