Leonardtown served as a busy port and steamboat landing.
Several small settlements grew up at steamboat landings a few miles upstream of New Orleans.
Archer, looking at his watch, saw that there was time to drive to the Parker House before going to the steamboat landing.
There was a race track near the steamboat landing, and a coal mine south of town.
This brought the small steamboat landings of the farmers along the rivers to use the railway.
The name was adopted into the provincial gazette as a steamboat landing and settlement on April 6, 1950.
The location was a convenient site for a steamboat landing and by 1847 a steamboat line had established the town as a regular stop.
Daylight's interest was centered in the big flat itself, with deep water all along its edge for steamboat landings.
The location was near a steamboat landing, which had the potential for later development.
The site early demonstrated its importance as a steamboat landing and point of communication between the people east and west of the big central river.