The dotted steamship route ended at the central landing, making it the key factor of the map.
The new ferry entered service in 1915 and operated on the former steamship routes until port facilities were opened in October 1917.
Later in the 19th century, North Norway experienced an economic recovery, with better communications south, a steamship coastal route.
Trippe then decided to start a service from San Francisco to Honolulu, and from there to Hong Kong and Auckland following existing steamship routes.
Settled by C. H. Bodwell, Lakeville became the terminus for a steamship route connecting San Francisco with Sonoma County.
We can cut out regular steamship routes.
An All-Red Route was, originally, a steamship route used by Royal Mail Steamers during the heyday of the British Empire.
A daily steamship route, using the sternwheeler Skeena, brought customers and supplies to the Inn.
He became a pilot and took an interest in the early attempts at establishing a steamship route from England to India and the East.
We made it an island, with its north coast running along the back of the Himalayas; between it and AnimalLand my brother rapidly invented the principal steamship routes.