Brown said it was a "steamy romance" which leads Kristian into trouble.
She then finds a steamy romance with a handsome older music executive, Ric Ortega (Allen Payne).
Perhaps some in Silicon Valley who believe business plans qualify as gripping prose might wonder why Mr. Perkins would have the energy or desire to write a steamy romance.
When Mrs. Cheney wanted to suppress a reissuing of a steamy romance novel she wrote 25 years ago, Mr. Barnett got the job done.
We had joked about forming a three-member critique group, the third being our county librarian, Sadie Klune, who penned steamy romances in her spare time.
Brenda has always been a modern woman, noted for her exotic adventures and steamy romances.
Catherine is a great reader of horror fiction - the gothic novel was fairly popular in those days, like a young girl today who would read a lot of rather steamy romances.
And it'd be even better," Gillian said, "if there was a steamy romance to tell 'em about.
There are numbered Swiss bank accounts, chases down dark streets and a steamy romance with Jaclyn Smith.
There's plenty of steamy romance and high drama, including visits from ghosts, deadly sword fights and a final blood bath so gory it could pass for a Quentin Tarantino period piece.