There are also 23 curved steel armatures, from 3 to 12 feet high, with stout woven twine around them.
At night, each floor will be illuminated by theatrical lights attached to a slender steel armature, above.
They assemble pieces of the body on a steel armature, and dress the figure with two costumers who work for them full time.
A steel armature supports the skeleton, which is accompanied by sculpted flukes.
Now I can see, at the very top of my vision, a stainless steel armature.
He built these models using steel armatures and foam latex.
PRI's whale was mounted on a steel armature in a greenhouse on-site.
His team used the cement replicas as templates for casting a strong but unobtrusive steel armature, or support structure.
The use of steel armatures is a new development in the artist's work.
The first step was to mount the steel armature by welding together the dominant elements of the composition (legs, arms, head).