The reaction takes place in large steel chambers.
Someone had slyly turned off the current that fed light and power to this steel chamber deep in the bowels of the yacht.
I saw a ladder that led down into a circular steel chamber.
Behind the hole was a steel chamber with a rubber backing that acted like a diaphragm.
A fluid of known viscosity is injected into the core plug while mounted in a steel chamber.
The steel chamber was claustrophobically small, and the two of them practically filled it.
One of these chambers was the first rectangular steel chamber in Australia.
This small, totally dark steel chamber with cold seawater flooding in was no place for a person suffering from claustrophobia.
Not only that but the paper cartridges in steel chambers tended to jam in the gun as you said.
To leave the submarine the divers had to enter a steel chamber in the side of the craft.