The impact threw one of the steel coils into the front car of the train, killing three of the passengers.
The authorities said the steel coils were secured by a single chain, whereas three chains were required.
Inventories of steel coils have been cut to a 5-day supply from 30, and nothing is piled on the floor.
Under the new process, steel coils would be made without the reheating functions of conventional mills.
It was exactly as if a huge steel coil had sideslipped under the increasing pressure of a binding machine.
The man, who had extremely pale skin and the outlines of antennae around his ears, was carrying a weapon that looked like a steel coil.
Fractals swirled off its surface and turned into braided steel coils.
We were unloading five-ton steel coils from a flatbed truck.
I leaped to the right just as the 500-pound hook popped out of the heavy steel coil and grazed my left cheek.
A table, a cone and a steel coil are among the objects that play two roles.