The ceiling was obscured by bundles of heavily insulated pipes and ventilated steel conduits carrying thick black electrical cables.
Those wires run through the same steel conduit as the power wires, all the way from the control box to the stage.
The ground connection ran from the metal box through the metal sheathing, either BX cable or steel conduit, around the hot and neutral wires.
The defendant was Allied Tube, the nation's largest producer of steel conduit.
Except for the line to this light all the wires from all the equipment disappeared into a steel conduit underneath the bar.
Just above the powerhouse, the tunnel splits into two steel conduits that carry the water to a valve house just above the turbines.
Howe obviously saw the pipeline only in terms of a steel conduit to carry natural gas.
The landline was fiber optic, located in a steel conduit under a paved street.
On its next visit, the robot carried hollow steel conduits less than an inch in diameter: they unwound from giant spools above ground.
The cables were originally installed underground in a steel conduit.