David 'Feet' Rogers, steel guitarist, was just 16 when he joined the band.
Surf music appeared, as did some of the convoluted blues playing that recalled the steel guitarist Freddie Roulette.
Hawaiian groups on these vaudeville tours usually consisted of 5 or 6 musicians with the steel guitarist seated in the center.
In 1992, she became Byrd's only female graduate and has been called Hawaii's preeminent female steel guitarist.
(A steel guitarist is to join the group for future United States performances, the band's booking agent has said.)
There she met her first husband, a steel guitarist named Bill West, with whom she had four children.
Lloyd Green (born October 4, 1937 in Leaf, Mississippi) is an American steel guitarist.
He left college at the age of nineteen and went to Nashville to seek fame as a steel guitarist.
But the heart of it is homage to the fiddlers, steel guitarists and crooners of the swing era.
Tom Brumley, 73, American steel guitarist (The Buckaroos), heart attack.