He pulled the shutters open, grabbed the steel hoops set above the window, and swung down and into the attic room.
A flat steel hoop was embedded deep in the soldier's back, surrounded by a rapidly spreading red stain.
Leading up the rock face we could see a sequence of pitons and steel hoops.
In 1967, the main post was strengthened with iron bars and steel hoops as it was badly split.
Braced with steel hoops at its southern end.
There was a guide ring at the mouth of the cut, a great steel hoop twenty feet high.
The dragon was no longer crushed to the deck plates; only the steel hoops kept him from floating around the compartment.
The final version has three main parts: an aluminum backing and two stainless steel hoops.
They patched the backboards, strung new nets from the smooth steel hoops.
He didn't feel the steel hoops curl around his wrists.