The guard rails are made of woven steel lattice.
The idea was for steel lattices straddling the footprints of the fallen towers.
The steel lattice groaned as if it already knew how much work it had to do.
The main structure has a steel lattice with brick filling, and a granite exterior.
The Think project calls for two frameworks of steel lattice in approximately the same locations as the original towers, but without touching their footprints.
The ground floor windows were masked by steel lattices.
The steel lattice is the most widespread form of construction.
Other security measures, including stainless steel lattice, were installed.
As now envisioned, a museum would be between the 30th- and 35th-floor levels of the two 110-story towers of steel lattice.
It calls for two frameworks of steel lattice to be erected in approximately the same locations as the original towers.