When Cheyenne hit the sandy bottom it was little more than twisted high tensile steel sheeting.
There was one larger such hut, and two big sheds pieced together from rusty steel sheeting.
But in some places where the wood is most important to the birds, it will be left alone and loosely surrounded with steel sheeting.
The library walls themselves are reinforced with steel sheeting.
Additionally, the sides were plated over with steel sheeting.
The roof has been replaced with steel sheeting.
Interlocking steel sheeting was employed in a new foundation process used on Battery Tower.
It didn't help that the steel sheeting which had been welded over the cabs left them with only narrow slits to steer by.
Beneath each ledge is an enclosed shelf or hutch, made of black, perforated steel sheeting.
The riprap was supposed to have been held in place by steel sheeting, which also apparently was never installed.