The four stark steel slabs were exhibited and then sent to a warehouse run by a company specializing in large art.
The building stood like a steel slab, floodlit with a greenish light.
Fluids that help cool steel slabs being rolled into sheets.
They have almost finished maneuvering the steel slab into place, only a man-sized crack left open.
In a moment it was through the steel slab, and out on the other side.
Instantly he was aware, seeing, as Bruno threw him back against the steel slab in disgust.
The elevator was little more than a steel slab at right angles to a belt which carried it.
She was laid on a stainless steel slab with a thin green sheet covering her to the neck.
The door was a steel slab with no interior keyhole.
A weaker currency helped exports of steel slabs to climb 41 percent to 1.32 million tons.