However, this misfortune did allow the line an opportunity to upgrade by building a steel trestle to replace the original wooden one.
Originally a timber bridge, replaced with a steel trestle in 1896, and then a concrete arch in 1928.
At other times they seemed to wait until the engineers had prepared whole lines of steel trestles and tetrahedra obstacles for blowing.
The heavy freight train made a deafening echo on the long steel trestle.
Under his glaring eyes he could see the rushing edge of the steel trestle where the ends of stout ties projected like broken teeth.
The steel trestle over his head was now black and deserted.
The old steel trestle has been removed from its crossing, and the walking trail that circumnavigates the city uses part of the old roadbed.
The table folded in two, and the tubular steel trestles clipped neatly to it.
The steel trestle shown below is a modern structure with a long expected lifetime compared to a wooden trestle.
The steel trestle can still be seen today at the Fort.