The absurdly generous flesh, however, covered a razor sharp intelligence, a steel-trap mind that remembered everything.
Judge Fuld's steel-trap legal mind was particularly evident when he had to resolve conflicts between laws in different jurisdictions.
The Chancellor's smile was urbane, gentle, yet behind il she sensed a steel-trap mind.
Or is he satisfied to portray tough guys with golden hearts or steel-trap minds?
He had one of those steel-trap minds, and that was always dangerous.
KimAnn asked, ticking names off in her steel-trap mind.
Thank heaven for his steel-trap mind, thought Janeway.
Bob Leflar had a steel-trap mind, the heart of a lion, a tough will, and a childlike love of life.
You actually changed that steel-trap mind of yours.
Eighty-two and still ruling with a steel-trap mind and an iron hand.