The United Rubber Workers, its treasury depleted by the strike, voted last year to merge with the larger steelworkers union.
In 1997, the steelworkers union in Pueblo voted to strike over alleged unfair labor practices.
The action brought applause from the steelworkers union, who turned out in support of the ore dock.
The steelworkers union calls this its "streets and suites" campaign, but some corporate officials call it just plain dirty.
The owners never understood Mr. Miller, who came to baseball after 16 years with the steelworkers union.
The steelworkers union has rejected pleas to extend the talks past tonight and has secured the permission of its members to call for strikes.
In the steelworkers union alone, more than 40,000 workers have written to their representatives in Congress opposing the legislation.
The steelworkers union organized a strike and marshaled support in Congress, which eventually resulted in the new retiree benefit law.
The steelworkers union expects most of its workers to be back on the job soon and the 1,000 or so replacement workers to be removed.
Previously, the steelworkers union has sent its president and union members to Tokyo to protest in tandem with a Japanese union.