But she was already at him, her hand enclosing his right wrist in a steely grip and lifting his arm high.
This intimacy was appalling behavior for a priestess, but that steely grip gave her no choice.
I could have saved you all this - ' She took his arm in a steely possessive grip.
She tried to back a step toward the door, but she couldn't pull away from his steely grip.
He dangled there, the only thing between himself and oblivion being Stone's steely grip around his forearm.
The little man had a steely grip.
'You're hurting me,' she said, renewing her wild struggles to break free from his steely grip.
The redhead started to struggle in his steely grip, and the pair began to attract attention.
Among other things, he says, it will increase voter turnout and reduce the steely grip of party bosses, otherwise known as Democratic leaders.
Drake sloshed forward in the water and caught her arm in a steely grip.