As it approached the river, it began a wide circle high in the steely sky with the city of Omdurman as its centre.
Dark gray clouds scudded across the steely sky, and the air was full of rain, though it never fell.
It was a cold still afternoon with a hard steely sky overhead, when he slipped out of the warm parlour into the open air.
The cookfires of the town below bled their smokes upward into the steely sky.
Eliza blinked and saw the snow whirling toward her out of a steely sky.
They discarded their cloaks there and hid them, and came out into the green land, under the steely sky of Ledom.
More of a thick, soaking mist that fell steadily from a steely sky.
Thursday brought constant flurries under steely skies.
Rowe sat on; the steely sky paled and a few taxis hooted.
Moving dots against the steely sky, the outlaws appeared.