The object is to ride as high as possible on a steep, typically untouched flank of snow.
Down that steep flank the bodies were thrown and the implacable blue sky is exactly the way it was a thousand years ago.
The landscape is dominated by masses of rock which often have steep flanks.
His broken body was the first to pitch headlong down the steep eastern flank of the pyramid.
There are numerous abandoned quarries on the steep flanks of the ridge.
The mountain has a steep east flank, the other sides are gently sloped.
He went to the edge of the cliff and stared down the steep flank of rock at the sea far below.
More recent housing situated on the steep flank of the mountain itself near the former mines.
Thick groups of young rockfish were detected on Bowie's steep flanks.
He saw a small gray cloud, rolling in a very uncloudlike way down the steep flank of a distant mountain.