But you soon escape both by wandering up the steep cobbled lanes that climb their cliffs.
Danver lay at the end of this steep lane.
One street seemed to run around the hill, with steep, slippery lanes going up its side.
The steep lane to the village was replaced in 1832 by the S-shaped village street.
Two routes from the center of town take you there via steep, picturesque lanes.
The cemetery lies in a hollow at the foot of a fairly steep lane.
It was the house, Devin thought as he turned up its steep lane, that had brought Rare and R6gan together.
Staggering unevenly down the steep little lane, those few houses overlooked the whole of Jay's territory.
Freight is pulled on wheeled buggies up the often steep lanes by strong teams of men.
Chet turned the car and started down what proved to be an extremely narrow, steep lane.