And often I lingered outside the chapel in the evening, listening to the plainsong of the monks, which created a peace inside of me, rather like walking the cloisters, or listening to the steeple bells.
The Church of Santo Tomás, built in gothic architecture style, has domes, steeple bells, and two pinnacles on the front piece.
Next door to the inn is the 200-year-old Congregational Church, with a steeple bell cast by Paul Revere (which is out of order and no longer tolls the hour).
The steeple bell was tolling heavily as we three strode up the gentle slope that leveled off in front of the church.
The coffins were carried into the nave as the steeple bell tolled dirgeful single notes.
He jogged from the parking lot toward the sanctuary and barely made it into a seat in the last row before the steeple bells tolled the hour of seven.
The structure retains the steeple bell from the original Sutherland's Landing Church.
No. 1 - Chorus - "Here in Cadiz flags are flying, from each steeple bells are ringing"
He felt for an instant as though a steeple bell had gonged through his skull, and found himself sitting oafishly in a puddle.