My work in the 1970s focused on the black holes that can result from such stellar collapse and the intense gravitational fields around them.
In this case, neutron degeneracy pressure prevents any further stellar collapse.
The star produced a high energy outburst that did not lead to stellar collapse.
She knew the black holes couldn't have resulted from stellar collapse, from the normal evolution of massive star systems, because they were too small.
The most energetic waves likely to be observed on Earth are those due to stellar collapse in our Galaxy.
These particles offer clues to the nature of galactic cores, stellar collapse and supernovas.
He uses the term eternally collapsing object for his alternative interpretation of stellar collapse.
But because stellar collapses produce such astronomical numbers of high-energy neutrinos, the chances that some would hit other atoms are greatly increased.
With a nod, Grant added, "My special field of study is stellar collapse.
"Fast enough to avoid the problem of stellar collapse."