The Hyades Cluster is related to other stellar groups in the Sun's vicinity.
The Jets certainly aren't the most stellar group ever assembled to play football.
A few days before the concert the stellar group of the show, Kreator, declined.
But for 14 hours, Hachem and Dannenmann had to outsmart a stellar group at the final table.
This was more or less the twentieth meeting of this stellar group.
The corporation, a stellar group of downtown leaders, did not do everything we hoped for over these last five years.
The key was her band, a stellar group mature enough to let her compositions guide them.
The Institute also hosts a stellar group of Senior Fellows.
But it had truly atmospheric moments as well, and it certainly provided opportunities for a stellar group of amplified soloists.
Accordingly, he assembled a stellar group of musicians, a few of whom had prior experience with the band, to make this recording.