The triple-alpha process is strongly dependent on the temperature and density of the stellar material.
Prisms and filters in the spectrograph separate and analyze the light to reveal the structure and composition of stellar material.
The triple-alpha steps are strongly dependent on the temperature and density of the stellar material.
Initially the gravitational self-attraction of the stellar material leads to large internal pressures and temperatures which can ignite thermonuclear burning.
As this stellar material accelerates in Scorpius X-1's gravitational field, X-rays are emitted.
Only blue giants were used for the first word--to get the cosmic reader's attention--and lesser stellar material made up the others.
Plasma dynamics are at the heart of the extraordinary formation of galactic jets and accretion of stellar material around black holes.
Here is the opacity of the stellar material.
In a large target, like a star, it causes a nova, a momentary implosion fol lowed by a huge outpouring of stellar material and heat.
Tidal stripping occurs when a larger galaxy pulls stars and other stellar material from a smaller galaxy.