This may stem from Donaghy's decision to make leftfield and alternative music as opposed to mainstream pop.
Let me start with a short note on the parking charges debate, stemming from Westminster's decision to extend them to evenings and weekends.
The new rates stem from the government's decision to even out property taxes.
Mr. White says the lack of opposition stems from his company's decision to build the project without public financing.
The origin of this economic success stemmed from the president's decision to focus on the primary sector of the economy, rather than the secondary sector.
The decline stems in part from the office's decision to send back for revision - or to kill outright - some unspecified number of regulations.
The Administration's failure to bring deficits down further and sooner stems significantly from the President's decision to make relatively small cuts in military spending.
Selig declined to comment on possible litigation stemming from the owners' decision.
The case stems from the Council's decision to pass a law meant to adjust a quirk in the term limits law.
It might stem from Riverside's decision to push its welfare clients into the job market quickly, even if their initial pay was low.